eRevMax Customer Satisfaction Survey: 9 out of 10 customers trust RateTiger & Connect solutions for accurate & up to date information

eRevMax, the leading distribution, channel connectivity, market intelligence and revenue management solution provider for travel industry, has announced the results for its annual customer satisfaction survey. The results show that 90% of the customers who took part in the survey think eRevMax solutions are reliable and provide accurate & up to date information.

The survey is important to gain an objective perspective on all aspects of the business. The findings are an instrumental guide for our strategy. We continue to work on our mission of providing customers with the best technology supported by exceptional service and training to remove the complexity out of their eDistribution business. The result only deepens our commitment to helping hotels improve their channel management, competitive positioning as well as optimize revenue,” said Greg Berman, Chief Operating Officer, eRevMax.

The survey results collected from 500 responses shows that 86% of RateTiger customers are satisfied with the service delivery cycle time, while 90% of Connect users think the time taken to resolve issues meets their expectation.

Read full story here

IHTF – eRevMax Revenue Management Survey

International Hotel Technology Forum (IHTF), in association with RateTiger by eRevMax, is conducting an industry survey to understand your revenue management needs better. 
We aim to identify pressing technology challenges that affect your day-to-day operations. This will help us highlight relevant issues and bring them to the forefront to help develop new solutions tailored to your needs. 
This short survey will take you just 5 minutes to complete –

Please fill in today to voice your opinion – it’s time to speak up!