Hoteliers’ Connect: Bangalore
With 25 hoteliers present, it was a cozy get-together with every member being very warm and forthcoming with their strategies, suggestions, challenges and queries. Some of our client hoteliers were present too and were happy to share their experience of new channel management modules that they have been using in RateTiger.
As the evening wore on, everyone embarked on a stimulating discussion on revenue strategies. It turned out to be a productive day for them, they also realized that they have not really interacted earlier and many had met their counterparts from other hotels for the first time. They just knew and viewed each other as competitors and not as industry peers. I was so glad to have modified their outlook and they were appreciative of our effort for having hosted such an interesting meet.
Chancery Pavilion was the chosen venue for the evening and being a RateTiger user they were happy to be part of this event. I look forward to doing similar events in other Indian and Asian cities so as to help Revenue Managers meet up outside work and share their valuable experiences with each other. And with our technology, I am sure we can further help revenue managers achieve increased online sales and optimize revenue.
eRevMax Football Tournament 2010
RateTiger – Paradores Training Day
Over 70 people attended the session at Parador de Alcala de Henares on September 13, 2010, eager to learn and start using our tools. Optimism filled the room with full support to incorporate it as they have the certainty that RateTiger provides an opportunity to manage their online sales and obtain privileged information to reinforce the strategy of online growth to Paradores group.
“Paradores is a tourism policy instrument which projects the image of modernity and quality of our tourism abroad and which contributes to the territorial integration, to the recovery and maintenance of Historical and Artistic Heritage and to the conservation and enjoyment of natural areas, all the while functioning as a driving force behind the set of revitalizing actions in areas with reduced tourism or economic activity.”
A corporation with just one shareholder, the Spanish state, Paradores de Turismo is also an instrument of the government’s tourism policy, as well as a leading company in the Spanish tourism sector which obtains important benefits which nourish the public objectives for which this company was created.
Pilar Sanchez Aita is Sales Manager – Spain & Portugal at eRevMax and is responsible for sales of RateTiger products in the region. She is based out of Spain and can be reached at
Tiger’s Supremacy Evokes Fear!
The Tiger is indigenous to the global hospitality jungle and is considered the king by one and all. In a poll conducted by Animal Planet, the largest of the big cats was voted the world’s favorite animal.
It’s fierce and commanding rate attention ensures weaker predators are kept at bay. Smart hoteliers know that premium products deliver the right results. You cannot be cheap in offering Rate Parity as it is only one of many parameters.
The Tiger takes a noble and discerning approach to help his streak of hotel cubs maximize revenues in the growing e-marketplace.
NBTA International Convention & Exposition 2010
eRevMax receives ISO recertification
Stage I and II Pre-assessment Audits were performed by DNV. Following thorough reviews, DNV recommended eRevMax for re-certification in August 2010.
The eRevMax Kolkata office was fully examined during the process. The office was abuzz with activity during the audit days everyone curious to find out how other departments performed. It was important all the departments maintained conclusive records and adhered to all rules and requirements. The auditors were impressed with our awareness level and happy to recommend eRevMax.
The Information Security Management System has assured our systems are fully robust and effective providing our customers with ultimate data security.
Rajib Roy is Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Sr. Manager – Administration at eRevMax. He is based out of Kolkata, India and can be reached at