In five minutes or less, keep track of the most important news of the week, curated just for you. We present to you hand – picked news on latest industry perspectives and some general updates. Read on!!
Hospitality experts organize Fireside Chat to discuss Reopening of Travel and New Strategies
With experts from across 4 countries, this one’s going to be interesting. Join the conversation on Tuesday 16 June 2020 to hear from hoteliers on their reopening strategies and how technology can support them. Register today –
TripAdvisor study outlines five-stage hospitality recovery
TripAdvisor’s latest study, “Beyond COVID-19: The Road to Recovery for the Travel Industry,” outlines a five-stage recovery for the travel and hospitality industry: Decline, Plateau, Emerge, Domestic Travel, and finally, a return to International Travel.
Hotel Guest Expectations in the time of COVID-19
For a traveler, a hotel room is like a home away from home. The one main exception however is that hundreds of strangers would have used that hotel room in the past. Hence maintaining cleanliness is very important in the hospitality industry, but with the spread of COVID-19, in which it is said that the virus can live on surfaces for a few hours to days, proper sanitization of guest rooms has become paramount.
What does ‘travel freely’ mean in the new era?
Travel, the luxury most of us took for granted up until March, has never felt more needed, with many of us desperate to swap the four walls that kept us safe in isolation for the white-washed stone of a Spanish villa. But from self-cleaning hotel rooms to temperature checks at airports, what will holidays actually look like post-coronavirus lockdown?
Transparency key to provide service to future tourists.
Transparency will be the key to provide service to the future tourists. During this COVID-19 pandemic, many aspects of future travels have been labelled as ‘uncertain’. Intermediaries offering more information and clearer policies will indisputably be at an advantage in terms of restoring consumer confidence, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.
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